Tuesday, February 20, 2024

¿Qué ha pasado?

Ha pasado más de un año desde mi última publicación en este blog, algo arcaico en su diseño para ser honesto pero cumple su función de ser un canal de comunicación a mis pensamientos e ideas. En mi última entrada les contaba un poco sobre mis experiencias en recibir respuestas negativas a oportunidades que se me han presentado a lo largo de la vida. Hoy, en el silencio de la noche, escribo esta publicación desde mi habitación en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica. Hay tanto por contar, expresar y comunicar que creo que un post no será suficiente. Así que, ¡comencemos!

En febrero del 2023 fue aprobada mi visa de estudiante para ser un académico internacional en los Estados Unidos. Este acontecimiento, para los que me conocen, significó mucho para mí. Tantas veces de recibir un "no" como respuesta a solicitudes para estudiar en el extranjero; esta vez el resultado fue satisfactorio. Tenía tantos planes, sueños, objetivos, emociones, entre otras cosas. Mi viaje estaba programado para el 14 de marzo del 2023, fecha inolvidable. La aerolínea que me llevaría hacia la tierra de mis sueños era conocida por usualmente ser impuntual. En esa ocasión, el retraso fue de 7 horas. Perdí mi vuelo de conexión y me reprogramaron un vuelo para el día siguiente hacia la ciudad de Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Tocó pagar hospedaje, alimentación y transporte. Para ser muy sincero, disfruté mucho ese viaje. Tuve compañía y conocí lugares de Florida que nunca había explorado. Al llegar a casa de mis familiares, me sentí en casa, en un lugar seguro. 

Los meses posteriores a mi llegada estuvieron llenos de dolor, incertidumbre, visitas al hospital y cambios de planes. Me sentía verdaderamente perdido. No era como yo lo había planeado. Aquellos que me conocen de una manera más íntima saben lo mucho que me gusta la organización y que todo esté fríamente calculado. Tuve que rediseñar todo un plan y seguir adelante. Por primera vez, sentía que este país no me estaba recibiendo como yo lo esperaba. Había mucha oposición, barreras y luchas que tuve que enfrentar. No les voy a mentir, la camisa me quedó grande. Estábamos en vísperas del verano y yo sentía que atravesaba el crudo invierno en mi vida.
Fueron meses de MUCHO aprendizaje, de lágrimas traicioneras y de mucha maduración.

Viajé en junio del 2023 a Honduras nuevamente para recibir mi título académico que me certifica como "Ingeniero Químico Industrial". Fueron días de mucho descanso y de muchas emociones encontradas en mi bella natal Honduras. Por fin había terminado mi larga carrera en la universidad. Sentí nostalgia al ver a mis compañeros recibir el título que tanto batallamos por obtener, el cual nos costó horas de estudio y desveladas olímpicas. Fue muy poco el tiempo que estuve por allá, quedaron algunas cosas pendientes por hacer pero seguro estoy que en mi próximo viaje podré realizarlas. 

La historia continúa pero quiero resaltar algunas de las cosas que he aprendido:

  • Dios nunca nos abandona. Soy fiel creyente que hay un Dios y que Él tiene cuidado de nosotros. Incluso en momentos de confusión e incertidumbre, Él siempre tiene planes de bien para nuestras vidas; aunque no entendamos en el proceso cuál es Su propósito.
  • Sobre toda cosa guardada, hay que guardar el corazón. A veces la vida nos tira unas "turuncas", como decimos en mi bella natal Honduras, pero eso no debe alterar nuestra manera de ser. Nuestro corazón no debe enfriarse y nunca debe dejar de ser bondadoso y noble. 
  • Pedir ayuda no es sinónimo de debilidad. Es sano pedir consejo de personas que tienen más experiencia y que genuinamente desean el bien para nosotros. Lo cual me lleva a mi último punto:
  • Hay personas que verdaderamente te desean el bien. En la vida habrán muchas personas que de labios te felicitan y se alegran por tus victorias, pero pareciera que más se alegran cuando has caído. Usualmente son aquellas que te desaniman cuando tienes sueños y planes, las que te dicen que es "muy difícil" realizar esto o aquello. Pero, a lo largo de este camino, Dios ha puesto personas de corazón noble en mi camino que han sido clave en todo este proceso; ellos saben quiénes son. :)
Me emociona poder compartir un poco más de mi experiencia viviendo en un país tan diverso y lleno de oportunidades pero eso lo dejaré para las siguientes publicaciones. Les adelanto que si Dios lo permite, en los próximos años culminaré la Maestría en Ingeniería Química en una universidad de alto prestigio en la ciudad de Philadelphia. 

¡Hasta la próxima!

Monday, July 4, 2022

La respuesta es NO


Soy Faddy Rigoberto Ramírez, tengo 24 años de edad y actualmente estoy cursando mi último periodo académico en Ingeniería Química, en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras.

Hace algunos años comencé este blog con la intención de ganar algunos puntos extras en mis clases de colegio. ¡Cuánto ha pasado el tiempo! Cabe mencionar que dichas publicaciones están redactas en inglés ya que, por la naturaleza de mi educación, se nos incentivaba a practicar nuestro segundo idioma de cualquier manera. Para ser honesto, en aquel momento no miraba el redactar como un arte, más bien lo veía como una obligación que debía realizar cada semana. Hoy 04 de julio, veo el escribir como un canal para no acumular tantos pensamientos en mi cabeza y, de esa manera, poder ayudar a otros con situaciones que he vivido. Puede que esta publicación la lean pocos o la lean muchos, lo importante es que quedará plasmado y podré dejar una huella en el mundo cibernético.

Como dice el título, en esta publicación quiero comentarles sobre algo que he tenido en mi cabeza por muchos días ya. ¿Qué ocurre cuando recibimos una respuesta negativa a nuestra petición? ¿Qué ocurre cuando las cosas no salen como las planeamos? ¿Qué hacemos con nuestras desilusiones? 

Quiero comenzar contándoles un poco más sobre mí:

Desde niño, siempre tuve una visión clara, la cual consistía en poder tener la oportunidad de salir del país para aventurarme en nuevas tierras, conocer nuevas culturas y subirme en muchos aviones. Todos los años esperaba el día en que pudiera tener en mis manos un pasaporte, una visa y un boleto aéreo. Ese sueño se cumplió en agosto del año 2014. Tuve la oportunidad de viajar y visitar a mi familia que reside en Pennsylvania, USA. Parte de mi sueño se había cumplido. Ya había tenido la oportunidad de viajar, de subirme a un avión y conocer una nueva cultura por aproximadamente 1 mes. 

En ese mismo año, fui nominado por el rector de la institución en donde me gradué a una beca en una universidad en Oklahoma. En mi interior, sabía que ésta era la oportunidad que tanto había deseado. La beca incluía hospedaje, una pensión mensual, la oportunidad de viajar a otros países para realizar obras de caridad y la oportunidad de obtener un título universitario en un país tan competente como lo es Estados Unidos. Me ilusioné. Mis amistades y mi familia me aseguraban que esa beca era mía. Recuerdo que hasta recibí regalos para que llevara a la universidad una vez me aceptaran en la misma. Fue un proceso largo y lleno de emociones. En enero del año 2015, recibí una respuesta que tanto temía: NO. Lamentablemente, no obtuve la beca completa. La universidad únicamente me había otorgado un porcentaje del costo de matrícula, pero yo debía correr con los gastos de comida, hospedaje y demás. Económicamente era imposible poder cubrir todos los gastos. Mis padres me llamaron al cuarto para darme la noticia que debía comenzar mis estudios aquí en Honduras. Fue un periodo de tiempo amargo y triste. Me sentía derrotado y sin ganas de seguir adelante. Recuerdo que hasta me enojé con Dios por no haber contestado a mis oraciones de manera positiva.

Comencé mis estudios en la carrera de Ingeniería Química en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras en el Valle de Sula. Cambié de perspectiva y me propuse a dar lo mejor de mí en mis clases.
En el año 2016, la embajada de Japón en Honduras convocó a jóvenes estudiantes a participar en una beca completa para realizar estudios universitarios en el país asiático. La emoción y la ilusión retomaron mi mente y comencé a prepararme para las etapas del proceso. Yo no sabía ni decir "hola" en japonés, pero las ganas de cumplir mi sueño eran mayores que cualquier barrera. Avancé satisfactoriamente en cada etapa. En el último tamiz, el cual consistía en un examen para medir mi conocimiento en las áreas de química, matemáticas, física y japonés, me sentí seguro de haber dado lo mejor de mí. Los candidatos seleccionados serían anunciados en 2 semanas luego de haber realizado la prueba. Todos los días, cada hora, cada 15 minutos, cada 10 segundos, revisaba mi bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico para recibir la carta de: ¡FELICIDADES! Se va para Japón. Estimados lectores, ese día nunca pasó. De hecho, recibí un correo muy distinto al que me esperaba, uno en que se marcaba en negrita la palabra: NO. Nuevamente, mismas emociones invadieron mi cuerpo: derrota, desilusión, tristeza y desánimo. Continué mis estudios universitarios con la mentalidad de ya no seguir aplicando para no desilusionarme. 

En el año 2017, otra oportunidad se presentó en una universidad la cual se ubicaba a muy pocos kilómetros de donde reside mi familia en Estados Unidos. Como se podrán imaginar, la historia se repitió y recibí una carta impresa en donde en negrita se resaltaba la palabra “NO” a mi petición.
Como podrán haber notado, he tenido muchos "NO" a lo largo de mi vida a oportunidades que muchos consideran como únicas y especiales. 

En el año 2020, mi ciudad de origen, La Lima, se vio afectada por 2 huracanes consecutivos (ETA/IOTA) y lamentablemente sufrió inundaciones históricas. Muchos oramos para que esto no ocurriera y, aun así, sucedió.

Al ver atrás puedo decirles con seguridad: ¡Qué bueno fue haber recibido esas respuestas negativas!
Pensarán que estoy loco o fuera de mis cabales, pero la verdad es que obtuve más beneficios al recibir estas respuestas. Y aquí les menciono algunas:

- Estoy a punto de culminar la carrera que siempre había soñado.
- Conocí a personas extraordinarias que se han vuelto muy cercanas a mi corazón.
- Pude recibir y ver el amor de Dios en mis compañeros de universidad cuando más lo necesitaba.
- Tuve el honor y el privilegio de ejercer la docencia. 
- He viajado muchísimo más de lo que alguna vez soñé.

Hay mucho más que me gustaría contar, pero procuraré hacer estas publicaciones lo más cortas posibles. 

Estimados lectores, aunque parezca incierto, aunque parezca que nada más se podrá hacer al recibir una respuesta negativa, ya sea en salud, en economía, en oportunidades, en lo que sea, sepan que SIEMPRE habrá algo mejor y que Dios está obrando.


Monday, December 22, 2014

I'm back!

Hey people!

I am doing something completely new - I am typing this post using my phone! It is quite amazing how technology gives us the perks of communication. My last post was 6 months ago (LONG TIME AGO). There are many things I would like to share with you guys but I don't think I will be able to finish. I graduated from High School in June, I went to Philadelphia, New York, New Jersey, Washington D.C, Atlantic City, Kansas City in August (I know, MANY places to visit just in 1 month but we actually did). Now that I'm out of school, I can truly appreciate English, as a language. Since my mother-tongue is Spanish, I have to practice more my non-native language, which in my case is English. Practice makes master. I have found myself trying to pronounce some words in English that were easily pronounced 8 months ago. I am doing everything I can to keep the good English. I have been watching movies, and TV shows only in English, that way I can keep the ability to understand what English-native speakers say. There is a VERY powerful tool I have found during this "process": READING. Since I was a child, I always loved reading. At home, we have TONS of books, but they are all in Spanish. I'm not saying books in Spanish are not good, but for my purposes, I needed to keep my English. Since last year, I have been reading books mostly in English. Books are the best sources to enrich our vocabulary! This year, I read a very famous "trilogy" (try to guess!). I became pretty addicted to those books. They are WONDERFUL! Bravo! Words can be, I mean, they are powerful! The story was great, but I noticed something else, the author managed a way to get in you, the feelings were no longer yours, the ideas were not yours. I hope more powerful writers can come up with such great writings!

Attitude has to do with the way you see life, with the way you think. First of all, we must know that we are not in "control" of our lives - God is. He knows what's the best for His sons and daughters. Through out these months, I have realized the way we are living, "our reality", is very related to our attitude. Everytime the sun rises, a new opportunity is being given to us. 😉

I hope you are all doing great!
Happy Monday.
Be extremely blessed.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

His Sweet Presence

Hello dear reader,

Let me share you that this is our last week of school regarding homework and classwork, next week we have what we call "Test Week". I can truly say that the Lord has been good to me and to all of my classmates. God has been there for us every single day. As Seniors, we have many responsibilities and things to do before our graduation, we are still working in our Social Project for the community, we are going to have what we call the "National Anthem Test" and so many other things. Last week was a stressing and tough week; we had many homework as well as projects. This year marks the beginning of something brand new for us, we are not going to be in school anymore for we are going to be whether in university or at a job. I deeply believe that the Lord has good plans for my classmates.

The Lord will let His face shine upon every one of my classmates. I have been thinking about the fact of being successful in life; it is all about having God in your heart and having a relationship with Him. There is a HUGE difference between "knowing God" and "being with God". We know that the Lord is everywhere, there is no place we can hide from Him. Even though He is everywhere, He manifests His presence only in certain places; He decides where does He wants to manifest His sweet Presence.What is God's presence? How do you know you are in His presence? How does it feel? Is there a formula we can apply to experience His presence? Let me tell you that I don't have all the answers but I can try telling my experience towards His presence. God's presence is His nature and His glory shared with you. His mercy is so immense that He shares all His awesomeness with us and we can actually feel it. I can't explain how do I know that I'm in His presence, I just simply know. There is a sensation of peace in you that no one or nothing can give to you. You feel His love surrounding all your body, you hear His voice telling you what to do and what not to do, He constantly says: I love you! You see, we are humans, and we are usually guided by our emotions, we must know that even though we don't "feel" God's presence, we need to believe and have conviction in your heart that He is there. I believe that there is not formula to "get in His presence" but I do can tell you that praising the Lord alone, where no one sees you, helps a lot. We can't expect God to manifest Himself in a very same way, He is way too creative! We need to understand that sometimes God will manifest Himself as your friend, maybe sometimes He will manifest Himself as your father and so on. We have the Holy Spirit living inside of us, which is God Himself living inside of us.

I pray that God will submerge you in His Presence and will transform you doing so! Have a great day! Respect, love, and be kind.


Monday, May 12, 2014

We need rain!

Hello folks!

   A week just started and we must be ready to face what is coming forward. I'm quite joyful for school is almost over; I really need some rest! I believe that every hard-worker deserve some rest. The climate here in Honduras is pretty warm, it feels that we are in the middle of a desert. There is no sign of clouds, meaning that the possibility for us to have some rain are minimum. The only thing we can do is to ask and beg the Lord to have mercy and to send us some water for we REALLY need it. There is some sort of "oppression" that goes on when we have this type of climate. We usually don't want to do anything at all, or sometimes we feel strengthless. Water is very important; it gives some in sort of freshness. There are so many properties of water that we could mention but that's not what I want to focus this day. I want for us to see water in another perspective. The Bible tells us in John 4:14 that Jesus is the fountain of water, whoever drinks from Him will not be thirsty anymore. We know that God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit are the same, we also know that the Holy Spirit lives in us; our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is the same one with Jesus, that means that the Holy Spirit is the same water that cleans and purifies as Jesus is. The Holy Spirit lives in us, meaning that INSIDE of us there is a fountain of pure water, which is the Holy Spirit.

  Whenever we have rain, water is descending from the sky to the earth, wetting every place. We can study this deeply. We know that in the beginning, God created heavens and earth. When He created men (man and woman) He made it out of dust (soil). When there is a rain, the soil is being watered, afterwards, new plants grow and life is produced. We as humans are the soil, the Holy Spirit is the water. There is no much thing soil can do without being watered, without water we would just be death-soil. When we accept Jesus as our saviour, and we baptize in waters declaring that there is no other Lord like Jesus and that He is our only saviour, we are actually being watered by the Holy Spirit. The good thing is that when you are watered by the Holy Spirit, you won't need any other water to survive for He will be inside you, meaning that He will be watering you constantly. There are so many things we can do and explore when He is inside us, we produce life in other people. Life without the Holy Spirit is an arid-land; is a useless life. He is the one who gives sense to our path. Without Him, we would be as someone lost in a desert with no water nor food. The Lord gave us a huge privilege, He gave us the opportunity of having the fountain of life inside us. We should all share and give to others the water that was given to us, believe me, there are MANY people outside there that are living in a desert-land and they need water to survive. We need to be a blessing to others, sharing light and life. Our country, Honduras, needs to be filled with this water, Honduras needs to be fill with the precious Holy Spirit. May every Honduran be filled with God's glory, may every person in this amazing country have the opportunity of drinking the water that will provide us eternal life. We can produce a massive rain in this country, and make it known for the biggest revival ever seen on this planet. HONDURAS will shine and will not be ever thirsty, for the fountain of life will be in it.

Thank you once again for reading my post. I declare God's favor upon your life. May God's will be done in your life. Be blessed!


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Honduran Dream

Hello everyone!

WOW! It has been a while since I did my last post! Many things had happened through all this time, there are so many things I would like to share with you people; I will do my best to keep on posting every week for the rest of the year. Graduation is just around the corner. I will travel in August to U.S.A for a month, I will visit New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta and Kansas City. It is going to be my very first time that I will travel to U.S.A. I will go and visit my family which I don't see since I was a baby. During these days, I have been thinking about the importance of the family as a whole. I believe that a family that is united can do wonderful and amazing things. Here in my country, my beautiful Honduras, sometimes we see children on the streets asking for money; they need to work to survive. In my school, we have a class in which we discuss a lot about social problems, during these days we have studied a lot about poverty, especially poverty in childhood. We have concluded that the root of poverty is the lack of education as well as the disintegration of entire families. Something must be done!  

I want to talk to you people about the importance of being together with your family, no matter which are the circumstances; we must be united. The countries of Central America have a tendency of going to U..S.A or to some other country to try to get a new job, or to have the hope of being able to succeed in life. The head of the house (which is  usually the father) leaves his children and his wife to follow the "American Dream", he wants to be able to send his children and his wife the money they need to live. I strongly believe that a child don't only need the money of his father, but he/she needs to feel the protection in the house, he/she needs to feel that there is someone at their house that will defend them and will fight for them. You see, if there is will, there is a way. Honduras needs people that wants to work and that wants to make this place a better place. If you really want to go out of your country to chase some other opportunites, you are actually not loving nor believing in your country for you think that your country can't give to you what you need. Education is quite important as well. A country with people that are well educated will develop faster. Honduras has the potential of being a 5 star country. We have wonderful places to visit, this means that we could get use of it and make our tourism the best from the region. Honduras has a variety of trees that we could use to produce the best wood of the whole continent. You see, is all about wanting to develop. Hondurans should chase the "Honduran Dream", the Dream in which all Hondurans will be ready and prepared to make this land shine. The Honduran Dream is about believing that this country will be head and not tail, is about working hard in the land that God gave us, is about sharing God's love to every person we see, is about speaking light to the dark regions of our country; that's the Honduran Dream I want to chase. Something valuable is coming to our country, God has a plan for this beautiful country, but He needs workers. Are you prepared to serve your country and make God's plan come real?

Thank very much for reading my post! May the Lord bless you today and tomorrow, and for the rest of the eternity.


Monday, December 9, 2013


Hey Fellas!

Holidays are few days away from now! It has been a great year I must say. In my Language Arts class we were reading a book named "The Cellist of Sarajevo"; simply amazing! It really touched my heart the way people were living in the World War II, and the way a man decided to share hope and peace to people that surrounded him. I could say that the message of this book is for us to appreciate life itself; that life itself is a precious treasure. This message moved me to write this post. I want to share with you about the beautiful gift God gave to every single person; the gift of being alive! Some people don't appreciate this amazing gift and they just throw it to the waste-basket. Some others might believe that they don't worth a thing but the truth is that your life was so precious and pretty for the Lord that He sent His only Son to die on a cross to give you eternal life, and for you to have an amazing time here on Earth. You are important... you matter! Your happiness here on Earth should not depend of the amount of money you have in the bank but it should depend in the satisfaction of having the most beautiful person living inside of you; the Holy Spirit.

Exchange Money Conversion to Foreign Currency

In these days I have found so many people that are worried because they don't have enough money in their pockets to buy things they really don't need; in this particular month of the year people waste a lot of money! Because of this, many people believe that their economical situation is going through difficulties. Being prospered or being wealthy is not directly proportional to how much money you have in the bank. The Bible tells us that when we give the first wage or salary to the Lord, He will bless you abundantly. These blessings are not always related to money. The Lord can bless you in many ways, for example, He can take care of your health and you won't have the necessity to go to the doctor or to buy medicines because you have health, meaning that your money will endure a bit more. The Lord can also bring you peace by protecting you; you won't have to spend a lot of money in security. Some people might have a lot of money but they are 100% happy. In fact, the Lord is the Only one who can bring you real happiness. If you have the Holy Spirit living in you, then God is with you, meaning that you have the chance and opportunity of being truly happy.  I'm not saying that money is from the devil, but sometimes people place money in an altar and that's what God doesn't like. He wants for us depend on Him, not on money. I want to tell you a short testimony that happened a week ago. My grandmother is 89 years old but she is an active person who likes to tell jokes and make everyone believe that they are important (which is true). Last week they took her to the hospital because one of her blood-vessels got messed up. She was in the emergency room but she always keep herself in peace and not worried about what was going to happen. Everything went fine, she got out of the hospital the next day and went home. When we went to see how was she doing, she was laughing and telling us her stories. My grandma told us something that her doctor told her: "If you want to live more years you must keep yourself in constant peace". Even the doctors know that money is not a factor that tells you how many years are you going to live. There is a command that if we follow it, God will give us a long prospered life; "Honor your parents". Even if they are not the best parents ever existed you still have to honor them because if you do then God will be pleased and will accomplish what He promised.


I hope you are all having a great time full of the God's presence. I want to bless you all in Jesus' name and declare you will always walk in His Holy Path.