Hey guys! Check out this Lab Report about
"Latent Heat of Fusion"!
Hope you enjoy it!
Hey guys! Please go and check my Physics Lab Report.
"Mechanical Advantage-Efficiency"
I'm sure you will love it!
I bless you all!
Having Fun in Physics!
Hey people!
Today I want to share with you guys a nice experience I had during my Physics Class. Our teacher (Mr. José Popoff) went to the class and for the very first time he took us to play football. I must say that I'm definitely not good at playing football but because I was with my classmates I had plenty of fun and enjoyed every second of the game. At the end of the class we found out that we were supposed to link the game to Physics. I must say that you can apply Physics EVERYWHERE!
First of all, God made everything perfect. He made human's organism perfect to its environment as He also made gravity. When we were playing football, I kicked the ball and the ball went up but after 3 seconds the ball was already coming down. Can you imagine a world in which there is no gravity or its gravity is quite little as the moon's gravity? Can you imagine playing football in the moon and you kick a ball but the ball never comes back? Even in those little things God made everything in a way that it all worked fine. Now, how can you apply Physics when you kick a ball? Well, as I said before, we are in a physical world meaning that there is Phsyics around us. Imagine the ball is at rest on the floor and you want to kick it! If you want for the ball to go quite far then you should place yourself a bit far from the ball so when you go and kick the ball you gain "power" and the ball can go a quite far. What is this called? That's called momentum, in the moment you have contact with the ball an send it to the air is when the ball has its momentum. You exert a force to the ball which is quite big because you had velocity while you were kicking the ball. Many forces were acting on the ball such as air-resistance and gravity. While the ball is on rest it's velocity is equal to zero (0) because it is not moving. We can also see Physics in a football game by observing the mechanical energy of the ball. For example, when the ball is resting on the floor, its kinetic energy is at the highest point but when someone kicks it and it goes though the air, the ball is actually looksing kinetic energy but gaining potential enery, so when the object is at its highest point, then the potential energy is in its maximun leve and its kinetic energy is at zero (0). Now, when the ball is coming down, same story, it is gaining kinetic energy but wasting potential energy. We can also apply physics to this football game by getting the ball's weight. You just have to multiply the ball's mass times gravity in order to get the weight of the ball. In a perfect "Physics world" where there is no friction at all, if you kick a ball but just for it to move on the ground, the ball will never stop until there is another force stopping it or changing its direction, but because we live in a world where there is friction, when you kick the ball and the ball rolls on the ground, it will eventually stop because there is friction between the ball and the ground.

Every single thing is linked to something. For example this game was linked to velocity each one of us had, because imagine a game in which all of the players are simpy walking! That will totally be a boring game. That is why you must run and have fun following and kicking the ball! If your velocity is quite slow then the ball momentum will be also kind of weak because how much force will you transfer to a ball if you a small velocity. You can also observe the force you are exerting on the ball as well as gravity. You can give a direction to your force in order to make a Goal! You won't send a ball towards the Goal-keeper unless you are me, but you will try to give a direction to the ball in order for the goal-keeper can't save the ball.
You can also see the impulse of the ball every second that goes by because when the ball is on the air it has impulse or when someone passes you the ball then you can also see impulse. When the ball is moving you can also see impulse.
I think we all learned from this experience and let's up more of these type of activities will come up to every teacher.
I bless you all with all my heart and declary that you will have an outstanding week with all your family and friends. Remember to thank God because His mercy is still with you, just by the simple fact that you are alive.
Pictures: José Popoff
Hey Folks! I just want to share with you guys a video I made which explains how Kinetic and Potential Energy are in an free-fall object. I hope you like it! I bless you!
We went to the lab o perfom a Lab Activity in which we were learning about Spring Constant and Conservation of Energy! We all had fun perfoming this activity. If you want to see what was our assignment click on the link above.
I bless you!
The Power of Spin
We went to the lab o perfom a Lab Activity in which we were learning about Spring Constant and Conservation of Energy! We all had fun perfoming this activity. If you want to see what was our assignment click on the link above.
I bless you!
The Power of Spin
Once again I'm here. In this opportunity I'll share with you guys an activity we made in class. Hope you enjoy reading this post and I bless you all!
We started the class by feeling the fast revolutions of a special spin. Our teacher (Mr. José Popoff) put on our hands a spin which was spinning. THAT WAS AMAZING! Actually feeling that there is something that is pushing and twisting your hand. The picture under the title shows us the spin he gave us. But that was not it! After that, he had like a base in which he actually place the spin in action and the spin didn't fall!
What happened to it?
Seriously, I have no idea! But I guess it has to do with constant acceleration and constant velocity. It's like an airplane, the acceleration and velocity is constant, that's why the airplane dont' fall. I think it has to do with its constant acceleration and velocity.
After that, we showed us something else:
These two things together make a BOMB! The idea of these was for you to step on the green circle, then you had hold the wheel and someone else had to spin the wheel for you. It was cool because we were actually studying a topic just looking and experimenting. I think it's the best way to teach Physics to students because it's easier to understand and to assimilate.
What happened when the wheel spined?

The "trick" for this was for you to turn the wheel in a way that YOU spined without somebody else helping you. It was quite fun I have to say (even though I didn't try it). Something that I did noticed was that skinny people were able to spin faster while chubby people had a hard time doing this. What I beleive is that for skinny people, the velocity in which the wheel has to spin could be not that fast, in the other hand, for chubby people, the wheel had to spin F-A-S-T-E-R.
Here I linked a game in which you have to play with spining ;) Just for you to relax :)
Aarón Spining

Like ALWAYS, these 2 guys wanted to try the spining experiment. So instead of using a wheel, they used their bodies. As you see in the picture, Miguel was spining Aarón.

Finally, he took us to the Pre-school game area to learn more. When every saw the merry-go-round they went all crazy to play on it (I confess, I did). The idea for this game was for 4 guys to sit straight (as Mr. Popoff, the guy sitting on the merry-go-round with the orange shirt in the picture). Then, when the 4 guys were placed in position, Alain and someone else startd to spin the merry-go-round. The guys faces were clearly showing it was way too fast (was it really fast or they felt it was fast?).
What happened on the merry-go-round?
Well, the guys were sitten in the very "outside" of the merry-go-round that means the the force that was pushing them outside was quite strong! That's why they felt the merry-go-round was way too fast. In other words, if the guys were sitten on near the center, maybe if they sat close to the center they were not going to feel that much force pushing them.
Thank you very much for taking your time in reading this :)
Have a great day!
Hello to everyone again. I want to share with you guys an activity we performed in our Physics class last Wednesday. Our topic was "Torque", which happens when a force is applied or exerted to a system at a distance from the system's point of rotation. A typical example of torque is a balanced seesaw. Well, we were doing almost the same thing as a seesaw but our way of doing it was quite different.

We had some masses provided by our teacher and that was it. The experiment is that you have to put different masses on each extreme of the ruler (helped by the hooks) and start moving the heavier mass toward the center of the ruler and start balancing.
My group just did 1 trial. Oh by the way, when you start doing the experiment, you have to know that the sum of the forces exerted by the masses will be equal to zero because the "seesaw" is balanced. We chose two masses (1 of 20 grams and the other one of 50 grams). As you may guess, when we placed the 2 masses on each of the extremes of the ruler, the ruler was falling toward the mass of 50 grams. Our mission was for us to balance the ruler by moving the masses. We got to the conclusion that when we moved the heavier mass toward the center, the "seesaw" started to balance. The "seesaw" was balanced and we got this Data:
1st Mass: 20 grams at 22.4 cm away from the center
2nd Mass: 50 grams at 13.1 cm way from the center.
We had to convert the "cm" to "m" and the "grams" to "kilograms". Then we used the formula of Force which is: F: (m)(a)
We had mass (of both) and acceleration (gravity). We just had to apply it and that was it. When we added the two forced they didn't give us 0, but that was a human error.
Be blessed! Picture by: harmisshk
We had a Lab activity in our Physics class in which we were testing Newton's second Law of Motion "Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object). "
Our job was to prove this law of motion. We brought in some carts (well, actually we got confused and thought that the word "cart" and word "car" was the same) haha). We worked in pairs. After having ready our materials, we went to the Lab to accomplish the experiment.
First of all, we had to measure our cart's weight. The cart I had was 108 grams (pretty light). Then we need of lab instrument very useful to measure force called a force-meter.
It's quite easy to use this tool, you simply engagiert the object to the force-meter, then you pull the force-meter and you estimate the force required to accelerate that object.

In our second trial we added some extra weight (100 grams) to our cart, but still. no force was record (we think our Cart was very light).
In our third trial we added even more weight (50 grams) to our cart, and still, no force was detected.
We had the feeling we were doing someting something wrong but we realize our cart was way to light and we took a decision and add 500 grams more to our cart.
FINALLY our force-meter recorded some force (o.3 N).
We analized our results and proved that Newton's second law of motion is so right. The higher the object's mass is, the higher the force needed for it to accelerate. Isaac Newton was a very smart guy.
photo credit: frankhg via photopin cc
In our last Physics class, we made an interesting game. WE DANCED! I had the privilege of having a dance-pad game that Ms. Rebecca Sosa (now she lives in Wales) left. Of course that the fun part was not actually dancing, but we have to make Post about the three law of motion applyied in this game. So, I'm going to give you my opinion about what I think about the laws of motion in this game.
Picture: Jose Popoff
1. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to return in the state of motion unless and external force is applied to it:
Well, what I really think is that the arrows that are showing us where to step is an example of this law. When the song starts, you are in the ''Stay Cool'' zone, but when the computer tells you to step on the ''left zone'' for example, THAT MOMENT is when you apply this first law. Because at the beginning of the song, the ''left zone'' was in ''rest mode'' but when an external force (your foot) acts on it, it shows in the screen you are pressing the ''left zone''.
2. Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object):
What I understand of this law (applying in it to this game) that each one of us has a different weight so for example, a fatty person in this game will have more difficulties in movig his/her body to dance. But a skinny person will have more probalities of being really good at moving his/her body.
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