Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Voice of your Spirit

Hello everyone!

This week has been very busy. In our school, we had the activity of Science Fair. It was pretty good, I did have fun and now I thank God because it's finally over. Well, I received a message from the blogging Challenge and I read that this week was about just writing about whatever we had in mind so I'm actually going to write something that I think it's my gift and I'm pretty good doing it.


Sometimes I wondered where did Music started, and I was looking and reading in the Bible and I actually found that music was since always. God created music for us to praise Him, I feel like music it's an instrument itself for us to praise the only one who is worthy to be praise.
I do beleive that music, it's like your Spirit's voice. Because when you sing, your body is producing the sound. 

Let me put you an example:
If you know how to play a keyboard (or even if you can't) and you are full of the Holy Spirit and you start playing in the keyboard whatever it comes from your heart, then your spirt is transmitting a message; a melody. 
Another  typical example to explain that music actually have an spirit is when maybe you are very happy because of something, but all of the sudden you heard a song that is classified as depressive and all your happines came down because of that song. 

I do hope this post may be interesting for you and it called your attention. Go and Check my "Physics" page and my "Español" page; I made some interesting comments about things.

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