Hello to everyone once again!
I don't have any challenge but still I'm going to write a post.
This week was quite good but at the same time it was pretty tough. But that's what I want to share with you guys in this post. I really hope you enjoy this post.
Well, like I wrote, this week was kind of tough, but that's what I actually want to write about this time.
First, we just came back from Easter week and that change of waking up earlier is a bit hard. Then, we had a lot of projects for this week and presentations. For some reason, teachers got crazy and gave us a lot of homework (just kidding, I actually left everything for last moment :/). As you can imagine, I was very stressed; I actually was very angry with myself. I simply felt the Lord was making me suffer this week.
Everything seemed that this week was nothing more but my worst week ever! But in all this week I didn't pray to God for Him to help me (even though I knew He was with me). I tried to do my best regarding homework, presentations and projects. But everything ended T-O-D-A-Y. I'm going to share with you my experience at school.
For today, we had to make some ''cell-models''; my job was to make the "cell-membrane". I started to make my model yesterday at 10:00 p.m. with food. My idea was quite good, I made a big Pancake and put some gumdrops at the top and some raisins at the bottom of it. Then I put some suckers around it. I finishedat 11:00 p.m. (I was very sleepy!). My model looked so good and delicious! Seemed that my week finally was riding in the good path. I went to sleep around 12:00 a.m.. When I woke up, it was 6:20 a.m. already! Even worst, water aas not running because there was no electricity. So I went and got water from a stack of water we have here at homr. Time was running way to fast and I must be at school at 7:00 a.m. It was 6:45 a.m. and I was not ready. I was looking for my P.E pants, but I didn't find them at all! 6:55 a.m. already! I really was angry and upset with myself because I wasn't responsible enough at not getting my uniform ready for te next day. My beautiful project wasn't that beautiful anymore, I was quite angry! I decided to wear my normal-day pants. But when I got in my car, I just said: "please Lord, Help me today.".
I got school pretty late. I forgot a binder at home, and some stuffs for my presentation. I was very sad and angry. Then, because I wasn't wearing the correct uniform I had to make some calls and sign some papers.
I got the papers and the permission to be in the class. Now, I had a quiz today and had to study a lot. But everything was taking its place. The teacher didn't ask for my binder, I didn't have the quiz that day. And in my presentation I did great (I guess).
So then I realized, that in all this week I never asked the Lord for help. I was always doing my things in my own way and in my own responsability. But the Lord is always there trying to help us, we just have to ask Him for His help. He's always there.