Hello to everyone once again! Well, I'm quite anxious because today they hang out our Report Cards and I don't know if I did well. But still, I'll give my worries to God.
Picture: Blogging Challenge
Nobody knows what happened to this man but what we know is that a treasure is right there in that forest! I'm not very into secrets because I think they actually don't exist, I mean, If you tell your secret to someone else then what told to that person is not longer a Secret. For me, a secret is something that nobody knows, except you. I find IMPOSSIBLE to keep a secret to God because He knows everything.
It feels pretty good when you can actually tell something to a friend and you know for sure that your friend will keep what you told him/her. But sometimes you have to think twice of what you are going to say and to whom you are going to say it. Be wise!
The Lord reveals us His purpose to us. Lets do what the Lord tells us. The Lord is decided to bless you, you just have to make a decision.
I think we all have at least one friend. You really appreciate your friend even though sometimes he/she makes mistakes. But we are all humans, and we all make mistakes. I won't say that we are not perfect, because The Bible calls us to be like Jesus, and I believe that Jesus was Perfect. So I encourage you to try to be a good friend. Keep secrets safe and sound!
Be a good friend always!
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