Saturday, May 4, 2013

My 10 Favorites

Hello Everyone. May God bless you and may He accomplish your wishes.
For this time, in the Blogging Challenge we have to write a post about our 10 favorite things in life (could be movies, music, animals, songs, hobbies, food, etc).
So these are  "my top ten favorite things".

My Top 10 Favorite Things

1. Electronic Music: Well, talking about things that I really enjoy and like I must include the type of music I was born to make (I was also born to praise the One who created me). It's simply amazing how this music can actually show and demonstrate the feelings to the people. It's a silence voice in which you don't say anything but you say everything. It's amazing the types of sounds you can make with your own creativity. 

2. My Pet (Morita): I have this dog since 1 year ago. She likes to play A LOT! She has a lot of energy. Morita always make me laugh when I'm sad. This dog is ALWAYS there for me. And I'm so very happy because she is having puppies soon!                                                  
Day 8. My dog :) ''Morita''

3. "The Hunger Games": I like both, the book and the movie. I think it's a very intresting drama in which you can learn more about using your creativity. This book was written by Suzanne Collins, it's actually one of    the three books she wrote. I really recommend it to you.

4. Doritos: Doritos is a snack we have in Honduras and I think in many countries. Its made of                 "corn tortillas" and you can find them everywhere! There are "chesse doritos", "Hot sauce doritos", "pizza doritos" etc.

5. Piano: It's an instrument that you can play when you feel you are stressed. You simply start playing what comes to y our mind. You can make so many sounds and melodies. God created all the instruments but for us to praise Him. We should use all of our talents to praise His Holy Name. In the piano I can simply do whatever I want for it to sound. It's amazing; it's a piece of art.

6. Technology: I'm simply amazed of how technology had advanced way too much and way too fast! I really enjoy those innovative devices the market is offering. I remember my first cell-phone, it was very simple and the screen was not a screen color but I had one. And now, everything has changed. There are so many devices which I like and there several types of ways you can use them.
                                                              Day 46.                                                 

7. Fried Chicken: I actually enjoy food! But this food really drive me crazy! I like the smell and the taste. If you come to Honduras, you MUST ask for Fried chicken "GREEN BANANAS TAJADAS". It's simply a watering to your mouth.

8. Tokyo: I'll also inclue my favorite place to be. I really bless Japan and think that country it's so full of culture and amazing thing. I really would like to study there but not live there because I have my country right here. I'm asking the Lord for He to open the doors for me to go. If you really want to go somewhere,  just ask the Lord and He will do it.

9. The Bass: I also like the Bass because it's an instrument in which you can rock and play strong songs. I think it's very easy to play. You should try to learn bass because it's not that hard.
                                                     Day 47. 

10. Be Creative: That is something I really try to do always. Have an open mind and always do your best!
                                              Day 69. A shiny ball I bought to my sister in Trujillo.


  1. I used to play piano when I was younger. It is a good way to express yourself, just like writing :)

  2. wààw i like your favorites , nice your dog also i have a small cute dog that i like it so much
    good job keep it ;)
