Yesterday I wrote about my beautiful country. I hope you read it. I'm quite excited and happy because the Lord has been extremely good with me. Many things had happen during this week and sometimes I was feeling destroyed or even tired but God was there with me telling what to do and how to do it but the most important thing was that He was giving me peace. Today we didn't any homework so I thought I should take advantage of the time and try to advance in some projects and do things that I needed. I got this free time so I decided to write a post about something that I had been thinking in the past month; GOALS! Humans use to have goals in their lifes, maybe they have goals for when they get married, or goals for what to study etc.
I must say that I have many goals for my life regarding my spiritual relationship with God, my grades, my future as a musician etc. All of them are good goals and projects but I must say that if God is not IN your project or goal then you won't accomplish them (or you will but eventually you will fail). I understood that if God puts a dream in you that means He will make sure that dream get to be real. In order for you to know if a goal is according to God's will you will probaly have to ask yourself: "Why do I want this?", "How will this help the entire world?", "Is this according to God's laws?" etc. When I have a goal or dream then I ask the Lord if He is agree with it because I don't to have hope in things that will not be successful. Jesus had a goal: "Save us and give us the Holy Spirit" and I must say that He accomplished His goal but it was because Jesus' goal was according to God's purpose. If you have a goal try to be calm and try to be patient because things don't work if you do them in a hurry. Pray every day for you dream, maybe people will start talking about and in the worst cases they will criticize you, but don't let them make you feel you can't. A typical example of a goal that most of the people criticize is Music. If you want to be a musician and people ask you what is that you want to be and you tell them you want to be a musician they will probaly tell you that you are going to pass hunger, you are going to be in the streets etc. I read something quite interesting phrase that said: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." -Confucius. This phrase really changed my mind and point of view because in some way it's true. If you choose something you actually like and enjoy then you won't feel it's a work but you will feel that you are doing what you like. Maybe you don't see that your can come true but let me tell you that if God is in the business then you have completely sure your dream or goal will come true. Remember, PRAISE God in the good moments and in the bad ones too. He knows what He does.
Follow your dream but first follow God. Try to be patient and positive about what you are going to do. Believe that God can do it and He will. There is only person you can completely trust, and that person is God (Holy Spirit, Jesus). God will never fail you.
I hope you are doing well. I bless you!
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