Today, I had a Biology Quiz which was a piece of cake (not kidding). The Perk of studying is that you feel YOU are the boss when you have the quiz in front of you. All of these I'd been sleeping quite late and that makes me be sleepy at the classroom but I thank God that it's FRIDAY! Plus, this Monday we are having a Holiday! In this opportunity I want to share with all you guys about something we as humans have struggles (at least I do). FORGIVE AND ASK FORGIVENESS... Let's be honest, we prefer people asking us for forgiveness than actually us going and ask for forgiveness. This is because we humans are pride, and we don't like to humble ourselves before others. We MUST forgive and ask for forgiveness, the Bible says that if you don't forgive someone then your bones will start to get weak. God forgave us for our sins even though we didn't deserve it. When the romans crucified our Lord Jesus, He told God in His agony: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing". I want to give my point of view in these topics: "Forgive and ask Forgiveness".
2. Ask Forgiveness: This should be something you are quite familiar with. It's hard I must say because you don't want the other person to think you are less important than she or he. Let me tell you that when you ask forgiveness you feel quite satisfied because deeply in your heart you know you are doing the right thing. Something important about asking for forgiveness is that you have to mean it, you can't be asking for forgiveness of the same thing you make over and over again. God forgives us even though He knows that maybe we will fail again in the future. Did you know that when you don't forgive your soul goes to a type of a prison? So, Ask for forgiveness; PERIOD!
I hope you had a great and that tomorrow will be better then today. I bless you all in Jesus Name. :)
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