Every single day I can say that God is merciful with just with the fact that He let my eyes opened this morning. Today I had service at church and I was playing the Keyboard (quite exciting) and all the people and us were praising the Lord in unity. I must say that music is the way I can express my feelings and gratitute to the Lord and I am quite sure He receives my praising. Everyone has their own way to praise God, I know people that praises God by dancing ballet, I know another type of people that praises God by painting and so on. The Lord is creative and because we are creative. Music has always been my passion, since I was 7 years old my dad bought me a keyboard (but I really didn't use it until I was 12 years old) and I liked the sound that came out from that keyboard but I was not quite into it. I enjoyed the types of rhythm you can find in any song. When I was 8 years old my pastor told me that I was going to play the drums at church and that I had to practice a lot. I loved playing the drums because it was a relaxing time for me, when I was 11 years old my pastor placed me in the worship-ministry and I started as the drummer. Afterwards, I learned how to play the bass. I also practiced a lot with the bass which I have to say that is lot easier to play it than any instrument.When I turned 14 years old I was already playing the bass at church. I must say I had a lot of fun. Something inside in me was telling me that there was something more, that I had to make melodies, to write songs and to sing (Which I only do when no-one hears me). I made myself a promise that I was going to try and make my best to learn how to play the piano. I dusted the piano I had at home since I was 7 years old and started to practice. My dad bought me a manual of how to play chords and the basic things the all of the pianists should know. At the beginning everything was just about me playing chords and that was it, but afterward, I started to create melodies with high notes and low notes and made a song with chords and melodies. I asked the the Lord for Him to be my mentor. God taught me different styles of music, and how to play them at the keyboard. As I said before, now I'm playing the keyboard at church and I'm totally blessed and happy because I'm worshiping the Lord with what He gave me. I have some tips that I can give you thay may help you with your music or playing an Instrument:
1. Let God be your mentor and you be His student. This helps a lot I must say because God is the expert in music and there is no-one on earth that knows more than Him.
2. Practice! "Practice makes master" Try to practice every day the instrument you are trying to learn or once every 2 days. If there is something in specific you want to learn, then practice it 40 times without making any mistake and you will see that after 40 times your hand will be used to the melody you are trying to do and afterward it will be a piece of cake for you.
3. Do things to please God; not men. If you are just focus in what people is going to say then you will not accomplish your goal because people can criticize you and others can like what you are doing but remember that you are doing things for the Lord.
I'm quite sure you all enjoyed and rest during this weekend and have energies to start this brand new week. Pray every moring and give the day to the Lord.
I bless you all with all my heart.
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