It has been a while since I wrote my last post. All of these days I've been working in some projects. Every single day I have something new to work. I must say that God has been helping me in every single thing. This Friday is the day of handing in Report Cards to our parents; I'm quite anxious. I know I did my best, so I will simply leave everything in God's hands. In the past few months I've been realizing about the importance of family. Since the beginning of the World, God worked with families, Adam and Eve were a family. The most important question to ask is: What is a family? Many people can have many definitions for family but my definition of it is: A family is where 2 or more people live together, share their stuffs, and stay together even though they might have problems. God made families because He knew that we humans need an ideal helper. Appreciate your family, God gave them to you for a reason. He knows what you need in your life. Everyday you wake up, you better thank God because you have the warm love of your family, remember not everyone enjoys what you have.
Today I want to share a bit about the beautiful family God gave me. I have 3 female siblings. I am the only son! My family is characterized for being a united family. If something happens to any member or our family we all gather together and help. It doesn't matter if one of us is upset with another but if it's an emergency we just put away our dislikes and aid our family. I must say that a "family member" doesn't necessarily means someone that shares the same blood with you but it can also be a really close friend you considered he/she has been such a help and someone who you can trust. I have very close friends that I considere them as part of my family. There are many things you can enjoy doing together with your family such as doing a barbecue, watching movies with your cousins, tell folk-tales in a bonfire, etc. God wants for us to live in a complete harmony and love, He doesn't want for us to be fighting with members of our own family. You can learn so many things from your family that might not know. Talk to your Grandparents, believe me, they have many information stored in their brain that they need to release. Did you know that a united family can, economically speaking, grow faster? My mom has a business in which all of us must participate. We have like a "mini-market" in which we have to serve the customers by giving them what they want. We don't receive a wage but we enjoy the profit of this business. I know that this business is doing well because we gave this "mini-market" to God but I also know that we are doing well because we all are working as team. Family is the base of society. It is quite important I must say, but there is something that a family member can't do for you; give you salvation. Even though your mom and dad already accepted Jesus as their Savior but if you don't accept Him by your own decision, then you won't be safe. Your family can pray for you but that won't give you the eternal life. Salvation is individual.
QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you have a family member that ALWAYS makes you laugh?
I hope you are all doing great! Have a nice time with your family, do something special. I bless you all in Jesus' name and declare that you will have an outstanding week full of blessings.
Thanks to family, I am alive and kicking.
ReplyDeleteI too had a near death drowning experience on a picnic. I still remember the face of my wife, the agony on her face. Everyone at the picnic thought I was playing a practical joke; but Seena knew, transmitted through heart to heart linked family bond..
Luckily, I survived, clinging to the branch of a tree.. Family that prays together stays together.
Wow! That is a very touching Testimony. The bonds in our family should always keep strong. :)
ReplyDeleteFaddy you gave me broader meaning of family.. i thought only blood'relationship forms family...what you said is correct.. Friends also become our family once we love them. Keep moving..well done Faddy
ReplyDeleteWe built bonds with people and make them our family :). Thank YOU Mrs. Roshini!
DeleteI have two daughters with Special needs. Pretty odd, but the two of them (24 and 26 years old) never fight or get angry. The oldest one, is blessed with happiness. She has the ability to make everybody smile wherever she goes.
ReplyDeleteShe might not be able to do math, write a composition, etc, but she has God's Blessing to make People Content with their lives.
Thank you very much for sharing this with me. God's blessings and Grace is what matters. I bless you and all your family :)