Monday, November 4, 2013

"Keep Moving Forward"


I must say last week was a tough week because we had tests. I found out that when you don't stress out but you simply put everything in God's hands, you do well in everything. I had 11 Tests in total! I must say that you should also study a bit just to refresh your mind because basically what is coming on the test are topics that you have already study in class. Pay attention in class! If there is something unclear that you really don't understand then you should look for help. REMEMBER: YOU are the one who wants to pass; not the teacher. Give your best! Don't do things in a hurry because most of the time they will end up being messy and wrong. Classwork and Homework are quite important because in these assignments is where you practice for your test. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher ever, you can freely go and ask Him for help if you have any problem in any class or subject. Trust in Him!
No matter what happens in life ... if you will learn to let it go and move forward, then your past doesnt have to poison your future

Yesterday I watched a movie which I think most of you have seen already, and that movie is "Meet the Robinsons". I had a relaxing time with my little sister while watching this movie and I noticed how often they repeated the phrase "Keep Moving Forward". This made me think about the importance of giving a step from where you are. It can be applied to your relationship with God, to your academic records, to your relationship with your  parents, to your job, to your talent and to every single thing can be improved. I believe that God wants for us to be closer to Him, I also believe that if you put all your effort and really try to get good grades then you will acquire them. It is all about attitude. If you are stuck in the past you will never try to afford something that is in the future. You have to tell your mind and your heart that you can do everything with Jesus that is in you. When someone's mind is full of ideas and projects, you can tell that person wants to move forward and keep walking towards the front; not towards the back. Sometimes the devil wants for you to think that "you can't" and throws you darts in your life just for you to believe that "it is over". The truth is that you have the Holy Spirit in you, and whatever the devil tried to do in your life, that can't stop you IF you are clung to Jesus.  "Keep Moving Forward" means: Improve your actual status and take a step because the other step will follow the step you took before. Our Lord Jesus kept moving forward in his entire life, even when He was carrying the cross and people were screaming at Him, soldiers were spanking Him; He didn't  stop. Because of His desire of moving forward we all have the option to choose either eternal life or eternal death. As you can see, moving forward can affect not just you but people that surrounds you can also be affected.  This is the type of things that you must have in your heart in order to "Change the World". If you had bad grades in this bimester, then do better in the next one. If you got good grades, then keep on doing your best and get even better grades that the one you already have. If you pray every day to God, then keep on moving forward and pray even more. Don't look behind, because what is there, you can't bring it back. Enjoy every single moment of your life.
Fall down seven times, get up eight

QUESTION OF THE DAY: What area of your life do you think you should move forward?

Give the best you can. Honor God before honoring some else. I hope you all doing well. Enjoy time with your family and love God. I bless you all in the name of Jesus!


  1. Hey....Faddy i am quite impressed....nice thinking...this shows you are a caring and sincere person...The important thing is to be willing to take a positive are making others to take a positive step and to concentrate on areas to keep moving forward...good..

    Regarding the question..

    i am a teacher and i plan to use new technology to make teaching an enjoyment....

    i plan to visit relatives and friends frequently so that we together have a positive spirit and happiness forever...

    More importantly, work hard and not to waste single minute....that's all..

    Have a great day!!!!

  2. Thank you Mrs. Roshini! I must say you are also a person who cares about others. It is quite amazing you wish a positive spirit and happiness! What you said is completely true, we must work hard and not waste a bit of our time. Thank you for your comment :)

    Have a Great Day!

  3. Go with God: a loving message my mother used to give me. Thank you Faddy for reminding me of my mother and the power of love.

    Your message is worthy of you. Keep up the good work.

  4. Thank you Mr. Sebastian! The world is based on love. We should all reflect its love and "CHANGE THE WORLD"!
    You are a World Changer! :)
