Today I want to share with all you about my beautiful God. For some reason this week I've been very grateful with Him and I just want to praise Him because of what He is. All my life depends on Him, if He is not with me then I don't want to live; period. God is always with His arms wide open to receive whoever wants to meet Him. He loved us so much that He sent His ONLY Son here to Earth to die for us.
In this opportunity I want to share a little "testimony" that happened to me about a year ago in which the Holy Spirit is the protagonist. As you know, I'm in High School, meaning that I already receive Physics class and MANY people think that Physics was made to torture them. I think that Physics is amazig because I have the best teacher and that teacher is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit have been always right there with me, helping me, telling me what to do, how to do it etc. There was this time that I won't forget at all in which we were studying in Physics a topic that was quite difficult for all of us and we had a homework to do. I was very stress because I didn't understand it at all and I had homework to turn in the next day. My sister tried to explain to me how to do it but still I didn't get what she was telling me. I spent all the afternoon and part of the night trying to do this homework but nothing was written on my paper! My best choice was giving up, I closed my book and notebook and went to take me a shower because I knew everything was lost. While I was taking my shower I LITERALLY saw a hand (which looked similar to my sister's hand) that was showing me how to solve the exercise problem I had and a voice told me: "DO THIS BOX". I was in awe! After watching that hand showing me what to do and the voice telling me how to do it I ran and took my book and notebook to start solving the problem. Everything sounded logical. I did my problem but when I was getting to the answer I noticed something was wrong: THE ANSWER WAS NOT CORRECT! I was disapointed and really felt that everything was coming down. I went to my room and asked God what was wrong in my problem. For the second time I heard a voice that told me: "Your measurements are not correct", I was again in awe because the "voice" was totally right! I took my notebook and re-checked my measurements and gues what: MY MEASUREMENTS WERE WRONG! I was so very thankful with the Holy Spirit because even though I never asked Him at the beginning He helped me. When I went to school the next day I was so in awe that I tried to explain to everyone the way I learned the topic but no-one understood the way I learned it. This makes me think that God has a special treat to every single person.
My heart is speechless since then and I'm looking forward for more "explanations" from Him because beleive it or not there is no such thing in the World that makes you happier than a conversation with the Holy Spirit.
Hopefully this can make you realize that the Holy Spirit, God and Jesus do exist! They are willing to help you and willing to love you.
Blessings to all of you!
What a great testimony! He definitively is the best teacher.