Last Saturday was "Marching day" and I had the privilege of playing the lyra which was a very tired trudge. Many schools were also marching and we got to see many friends from other schools and definitely we enjoyed the path. We didn't have school on Monday nor on Friday meaning that I was here at home and I had plenty of time to enjoy my holidays which were quite short. While I was here at home I was listening to music and there was this song that my homeroom teacher recommended me that I was listening. This song is named "Desert Soul" from Rend Collective Experiment.
I was totally edified while I was listening to this specific song because of its lyrics. Basically what this song tells us is that we need God, but we need to "need Him more", our life without Him is simply a desert soul. I'm totally agree with this song's lyrics because it's so true and makes you think about what would your life be without the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We are actually nothing; simply dust. Many people that really don't know God and they haven't receive Jesus in their lifes are not 100% happy. Only in Him you can find your complete happiness. You have to seek Him every day! Sometimes you feel that God is hidden but He is actually wanting for you to seek Him even more.When you feel that you are in troubles He will be there helping you. Our God is always with us.
I must sadly say that many people now at days are without Him and don't seek Him anymore. It's quite sad to see people that are in serious troubles and that the only person that can help them is Jesus. I want for you to think about God's mercy. Did you know that we all deserved death because of our sins but now because OF JESUS' blood we can choose if we want to live an eternal happinnes or if we want to suffer forever? God loved us first, don't you think He deserves our love and respect?
Let's be wise let's be with the only God that can make us choose the right decisions and the Only one that can give us happiness.
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