Today is Wednesday as you may know already. I didn't have to do any homework today (Praise the Lord!) but I spent all my afternoon practicing for my SAT Test. I must say that it was quite interesting because I had to make up essays in 25 minutes so that made me think about how useful and important is to write posts on your blog because that way you will get use to write. I made dinner for myself and while I was cooking I thought about the importance of smiling. I always say: "Everytime you smile, you add 1 second to your life." I thought about it for a while and then something came to my mind that showed that a simple smile can change the world. I wrote about changing the world some days ago and I said that changing the world has to do with YOU changing your attitude. Well, smiling can also make a difference. If you have Christ in your heart then you will always be enjoying His love and His mercy, meaning that you can't be with a lime-face. Let me tell you that you are here on earth to reflect Jesus to the world. As the Bible says, we are the salt of this world. Can you imagine someone that can't find truly happiness, or that has problems at home, struggles at the job or somewhere else; you have the answer of the problems for this person. When someone looks you and what that person sees in you is joy, then that person will ask you what is that you are doing that makes you so joyful and happy. I don't mean that all of us are going to be smiling at EVERY time because the Bible says that there is time for everything under the heavens, there is time to laugh and time to cry, time to smile and time of not smiling, etc. What I really mean by saying "smile" is that if you see someone that is not going through a good moment then you should help (if you can) that person by telling him/her your testimonies or by simply letting that person see what Jesus made in your life.
We are humans, so it's normal for us to have feelings and usually we let our feeling to base in the circumstances you are living. The truth is that if we have God, then nothing have to affect our emotions because our feelings are based in Him. Whatever you do reflects what you have in your heart. So if you want to smile, make sure you are smiling because you feel to smile, not because you want everyone to think you are "O.K" and that you have a joyful life. Remember that we all need God! Some people can't be happy if they are not doing something, if you are that type person then you should read the Bible and seek God, that way you will be doing something productive and being happy at the same time. For some people, happiness could be translated as MONEY, but the truth is that Money is matter, meaning that some-day it will be destroyed. Put your faith in things that are going to last forever. Have you ever smile to your friend? Well, the same way you smile to your friend you can also smile to God.
I hope you all guys are having a nice day and that you will all find happiness in Jesus Christ.
I bless you.