Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Intentions of your Heart...

I want to share with all of you something that I learned and that really edified my life. I'm very grateful with the Lord because He always talk to you in the perfect moment and He makes sure the message He wants to give you get to you someway. In this post I want to express what happened to me (which is personal) but maybe this helps someone to understand why things doesn't happen the way they want.

Psalm 34:18 (Clouded Heart)
This is my Senior year and I'm very happy I must say, but something changed in my life in this summer vacation. First let me tell you that I like traveling (although I haven't gone to any foreign country) and like discovering new places. Since I'm in 9th grade I've been looking for any country that can offer me a scholarship or any christian program that can take me somewhere else. All my High School Years I was aware and applying as much as I could to foreign countries. I must say that I was impatient and I wanted an answer as soon as possible but no Program answered me. Many people (especially young people) may be passing through this and may be feeling that there is no answer for them, that maybe God doesn't listen to them. I prayed as much as I could but still no answer. Giving up was the best choice I had in those moments, EVERYTHING changed when I went to church a Friday Night and a truly daughter of God preached about this same sittuation. I do beleive that God was speaking through her mouth, I was amused and blessed. This preacher (who is my home-room teacher) was telling us her experience in this same sittuation and she shared with us the following that I want to share with all of you because I truly beleive it's going to help you in some way or another.
She gave us 5 steps that we have to make in order to achieve what we are looking for but in this opportunity I will share with you only 3 steps.:

1. Scan your heart: This step made me think a lot because I asked myself: Why do I want to get out of my country? Which is the purpose? Is my heart wishing something that God doesn't want? Many questions came to my mind and I realized that I wanted to leave because I wanted something new, I was tired of doing the same things every day. God spoke to me! He was telling me that it was not the time, that my heart had to be prepared before going out there to the world.

2. God always answer but not always the way we want: Ha! I loved this one, because this makes thing that God is seeking the best for us. He knows what is good for us so He won't give you something that can make you bad.

3. Give to the Lord what He deserves: The Lord is the owner of Silver and Gold so actually He doesn't need our money. But, why does He asks us to give Him offerings and Tithes? What God is actually receiving is our heart, if we depend on money or in HIM. If you want to be successful... then give Him what He deserves; your heart!

Yesterday we went to a College Fair in which Universities in the U.S.A were giving information of Scholarships. I thank God that my heart was prepared and I didn't have that feeling of applying everywhere.
I really hope this post may be usful for you and may edified you.
I bless you!

My Home-room Teacher: Ms. Rebecca Sosa

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